Lesson 3: Functions


What is a Fuction? Organize and group code Perform a specific task

  • Function definition
    1. Contains the code a finction executes
    2. Calling a function is equivalent to execution the cide in the definition
public void chorus() {


  • public : access modigier
  • void : return type
  • function name : how ew call our function ex)chorus is function name at that code

  • Function Calling
public void chorus() {
    if(x= null)
chorus(); //call a function
  • Parameters and Arguments
public void greeting(String location){ //Argument : location)
    System.out.println("Hello, " + location);
greeting(Korea); // print out : Hello Korea 
public void weatherInterpreter(int temperature) {
    if (temperature > 30) {
        System.out.println("It's hot outside!");
    } else if (temperature < 5){
        System.out.println("Brr, consider wearing a jacket.");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Not too hot, not too cold.");

weatherInterpreter(4); // print out : Brr, consider wearing a jacket.
weatherInterpreter(32); //print out : It's hot outside!

int degreesC = 15;
weatherInterpreter(degreesC); //print out : Not too hot, not too cold.

Return Values

public double makeChange(double itemCost, double dollarsProvided) {
    double change = dollarsProvided - itemCost;
    return change;

Random Numbers

//random num between 0 and (almost) 1
double randomNumber = Math.random();
// change range to 0 to (almost) 10
randomNumber = randomNumber * 10;
// casting : cast to integer (ignore decimal part)
// ex. 9.985 becomes 9
int randomInt = (int) randomNumber
  • Random dice
public int rollDice(int sides){
        // random num between 0 and (almost) 1
        double randomNumber=Math.random();

        // change range to 0 to (almost) 6

        // shift range up one

        // cast to integer (ignore decimal part)
        // ex. 6.998 becomes 6
        int randomInt=(int)randomNumber;

        // return statement
        return randomInt;

Java Documentation - Class

I’m studing a “Java Programming Basics” @Udacity.

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2019-01-08 13:00

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