- [Lotto Generator] (2019.06)
- Check the code from GitHub
- See the result
- Description: Generate 6 random numbers and match it
- Build with: HTML 5, CSS 3, JS
- [Naver Sign In] (2019.05)
- Check the code from GitHub
- See the result
- Description: Make a Sign In page of a Naver
- Build with: HTML 5, CSS 3
- [Momasil] (2019.06.24 ~2019.07.19)
- Check the code from GitHub
- See the website
- Description:A beverage review website
- Build with: HTML 5, CSS 3, JS, jQuery, JSP, MySQL, AJAX
- Role
- 데이터베이스 설계 및 구축
- 메인 페이지 프론트/백엔드 개발
- 네이버 클라우드 플랫폼에 서버 환경 구축 및 업로드(진행중)
- [Prevent drivers from drowsy driving based on TensorFlow] (2018.04.24~2018.11.30)
- Check the code from GitHub
- Description: Prevent drivers from drowsy driving based on TensorFlow
- Build with: Python 2, OpenCV, JAVA
- etc: LattePanda, TensorFlow, Python, AndroidStudio
- Role
- 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 개념으로 전체 시스템을 구상
- Python을 사용하여 OpenCV 활용
- [A Sound Detecting & Haptic Feedback Wearable Device for the Hearing-Impaired] (2018.04.15~2018.11.30)
- Check the code from GitHub
- Presentation document
- Description: A Sound Detecting & Haptic Feedback Wearable Device for the Hearing-Impaired
- Build with: C, JAVA
- etc: Bluno nano, Speak up 2 Click(sound detection sensor), Arduino IDE, AndroidStudio
- Role
- Sound 센서의 소리를 Arduino에서 조건에 맞게 받아오도록 코딩
- 소리에 맞는 Haptic feedback을 실험을 통해 구성
- 웨어러블 기기 제작
Awards and Honors
- Honorable Mention in Hanium Awards 2018 (입선 - 한이음 공모전 2018)
- Subject: Prevent drivers from drowsy driving based on TensorFlow
- Certificate
- Paper